Please find below some useful links for you to gain some more information about residential property investing in Australia . Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney or Perth investment properties can vary greatly so doing your own research can be beneficial.

Tax Deductions for Investment Properties
RP Data Property Information
Australian financial Review
Foreign Investment Review Board
International Property Investment Network
Reserve Bank of Australia-Interest Rates
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Bis Shrapnel Business Research and Forecasting
Landlords Association of Australia
Property Council of Australia
Urban Development Institution of Australia
Eureka Reports
Australian News Limited
Real Estate Institute of Australia
BMT Tax Depreciation
API Property Investment Magazine
YIP Magazine
Smart Property Investment
Franchise Org


Buy Australian Properties Corporation has listed the above websites purely for reference and general information purposes only as a service to you for property investment or business research. We are not responsible or accountable for any information provided on these websites which may be misleading, false, incorrect and unsuitable for your needs or differ from your opinions and personal requirements or circumstances. We cannot be held accountable for any incorrect information as we are not the owner or publisher of the content. If you notice any incorrect information, please contact the website directly.

We do not necessarily agree or disagree with any of the articles, recommendations, statements and comments made on any of these websites and strongly recommend you seek your own independent legal, accounting and financial advice before agreeing to purchase any Franchise business or property investment product from us or any other company.